This is the time of year when marketing is all about predictions, about telling companies and clients what to do next, what works and what doesn’t any more.

There was a time when following statistics and watching trends was a fairly reliable way to read the marketing landscape ahead. To scout out your plans and projects for the next year. But with technology evolving and changing at such a rapid speed, its getting increasingly difficult to tell what the next big thing is going to be. Is print dead? Are social media chat-bots the new black? Is VR what we should all be investing in, or is video passing us all by?

3D printing, augmented reality, artificial intelligence… its impossible to know what the next big thing will be, and according to Scott Brinker (author of Hacking Marketing) there’s no point. It’s on us as creative agencies and marketing agencies to become more adaptable, more flexible in this age that transforms by the day.

We need to dedicate time, resources and enthusiasm to thinking about how these brand new technological evolutions actually can help our brands and campaigns. We’re all busy keeping on keeping on, getting through the day, but maybe, if we could all sit around a table once a week and just play with new ideas in this cutting edge context, we might just come up with something groundbreaking.

Its about thinking smaller, but more often, short term and giving the power to employees to make decisions so your company evolves quickly too. Think about integration of your service with others, resist locking into long-term contracts with no flexibility and above all things don’t be afraid of change.

As a creative agency we’re always considering new ways that our clients can get their brands heard in a world that gets noisier by the minute. So lets get our heads together in 2017 and rather than letting the new world pass us by, lets jump on and see where the ride takes us!

I think this is going to be a good one.

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