Content is King!
The written word has a special power doesn’t it? When you read it, it’s like you can hear a voice talking directly to you… and if it’s written well, you want to keep reading, to hear everything that voice has to say!
Well, hello! Its lovely to meet you! I hope you’ll enjoy reading me as much as I’m enjoying talking to you! Why not have a cuppa and sit back with me for a second and let me tell you how content like this could transform your business!
Engaging written content is one of the most powerful tools a business can have in its toolbox. It gives your customers or clients a reason to stick around, it teaches them about your industry and your products and in the most successful cases, convinces them to spend their money with you!
The thing is, good written content is often pushed to the bottom of the priority pile. I get it, you have a lot to do, actual running-the-business stuff. The writing and content for the blog or the weekly email newsletter can wait for now… it can wait while the actual work is done.
But then a week is gone, and another. And that intended weekly blog post or monthly newsletter is now just another marketing idea that sounded great in the meeting but wasn’t viable. There’s just no-one available to actually DO it.
Why should you have a weekly blog though? Why do your competitors put out a bi-weekly email newsletter? Why should you waste time on WRITING about what you’re doing when you could just be DOING it?
Well… how about the fact that weekly updated content on your website improves your sites SEO and Google ranking? Seriously! Google prioritises fresh information, it doesn’t want to give its searchers outdated old mothballed websites. What’s happening here, right now? That’s what Google wants to deliver!
Plus, a blog keeps people on your site for longer. If someone leaves your site straight away because there’s nothing to read, that tells Google that that particular search was no good for them! Keep people on your site and rise up those google rankings!
But there’s more! What about increasing audience numbers on your social media channels which can lead to a larger invested customer database you can contact directly? What about keeping your business alive in existing customer’s heads, ensuring they don’t forget about your offerings?
Engaging content (like me!), can achieve all of this for you… that’s why everyone is doing it! A blog post or a weekly emailer is a great vehicle to get your brand out there without repeating yourself or sharing the same image or link, over and over again!
So enough about why its important. How do you get something like this for your business? Well how about getting the people who created me, to create something for you?
Holla Creative is offering an incredible content writing service. Let us take care of your regular written word requirements, allowing you to focus on what you do best, all the while growing your online audience and providing something interesting to read for your visitors.
From the tiny starting cost of £500 a month we could write up to 3,000 words for you, every month. That could be used in all sorts of forms, 3 blog posts, 8 email newsletters, 2 letters, a video script, chunks of website copy, editorials… the list is endless!
We have content creation packages to suit your budget, all you have to do is get in contact and let us know what you want and how regularly you want it. All we need from you is a few bullet points of direction, or a subject to research, and we can go away and create fresh engaging content for your business or website, on a timeline that works for you.
Holla Creative is a full service creative agency as well, so if you need something to accompany those words, we can help with that too!
Thanks for listening to me today! If you got this far, it means I did my job and I was engaging and interesting enough for you to read to the end! Just think, my creators could do this for your customers too!
Don’t let your blog break down, your socials shrivel and your newsletters come to naught. Let us be your pen and lead you to reading royalty, because as we all know; Content is King!
Get in touch at info@hollacreative.co.uk and get regular content for your business or website going!
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